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Results for "keyword: "singing""
John & Charles Wesley Charles Wesley's hymn "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling."
Kirtan! Chanting as a Spiritual Path Linda Johnsen and Maggie Jacobus on how kirtan in a group setting creates a really powerful energy force.
Intuition @ Work & at Home and at Play James Wanless on humming to jump-start yourself.
Zen 24/7 A marvelous approach to everyday spirituality through the vehicle of a children's song.
The Sacred Impulse James Conlon's poem Chilean Creed on the spiritual practice of hope.
The As If Principle Richard Wiseman on dancing and singing if you want to be happy.
In Praise of Animals Jamie Sams on Earth Mother teaching us of our animal kin.
Kirtan! Chanting as a Spiritual Path A helpful look at the spiritual practice of kirtan through profiles and interviews with eight of its most popular and accomplished Western singers and musicians.
(title not found) Music video and lyrics to the song "By Breath."
When in Doubt, Sing A wide-ranging and substantive source book on the many devotional options in our time.